6 Essential Benefits of Impact-Resistant Windows to Homeowners

After building or buying a home, you must take deliberate steps to secure it against extreme weather and storms adequately. If you live in a storm-prone area like Florida, install a window that withstands harsh environmental conditions. That’s where impact-resistant windows come in.
Impact glass windows feature a Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) layer between the glass panes that prevents the window from shattering when a hurricane strikes. Although the glass might break, the glass shards and the window remain intact.
Check out the essential benefits of installing impact-resistant windows in your home.
1. Reduce Energy Bills
Impact-resistant windows have inherent insulation properties that prevent air leaks and keep temperatures in check during winter and summer. The multi-layer construction minimizes the amount of solar heat through the windows, which reduces strain on the air conditioning.
During chilly winter nights, the impact glass window prevents heat loss so that you can stay warm all night. By stabilizing home temperatures, impact-resistant windows save you money on energy bills, no matter the outdoor weather. By extension, the heating and cooling units do less work, which ultimately improves their life span.
2. Lower Noise Pollution
Do you live near a noisy highway or a busy city? If so, then an impact-resistant window will fit the bill. The PVB layer serves the dual purpose of keeping storm debris from your house and absorbing outside noise.
With these windows, you will enjoy a quieter home environment, free from noisy distractions. Noise pollution impedes communication and can increase emotional and physical stress. Install impact-resistant windows to achieve a noise-free home.
3. Offer Permanent Protection Against Storms
If you do not have high-impact windows, the chances are that you install a hurricane-proofing film or hammer plywood panels over the windows to keep them from shattering every storm season. Unfortunately, these tasks are not always good enough to protect your home when a hurricane strikes.
Impact-resistant windows provide better permanent protection against storms by stopping anything that Mother Nature throws at you. Neither the rain of tropical storms nor high-impact debris can get into your home. Even when no storm is in sight, permanent storm-proofing keeps your home protected.
4. Protect Against UV Damage
The sun’s UV rays can damage your carpet, wood, photographs, and fabrics if they are in direct sunlight. Fortunately, impact-resistant windows can effectively block these dangerous rays from penetrating and keep your home protected. Fading and discoloration of your furniture and carpet due to UV light becomes a concern of the past.
5. Prevent Theft
The protection benefit of the impact-resistant windows extends to your home security. A window that’s easy to pry open gives burglars easy access to your home. Luckily, impact-resistant windows make breaking into your home a tall order, thanks to their compact and strong design.
The impact-resistant window boasts several layers of glass construction, which makes them hard to shatter and discourages burglars from targeting your home. This feature makes these windows appeal to most homeowners due to the increased security they bring.
6. Earn You Insurance Premium Discounts
Insurance companies charge premiums based on certain risks. The higher your chances of making a claim, the higher the premiums you pay. With impact-resistant windows, you protect yourself against criminal issues and nature, which makes you low risk.