Caulk is a common, flexible material used to seal in air leaks around in and around windows. Caulking windows is a simple task that most homeowners can do without the help of professionals. It is built to be completely invisible as a design element and doesn’t stand out. However, if applied incorrectly, it can draw attention, and your windows can lose their finish. This article has highlighted some simple dos and don’ts of sealing windows from inside.

Do’s of Caulking Windows

There are two types of caulks – one for internal walls and one for external walls. The caulk for internal walls is created to blend in with various paints. It is non-toxic and doesn’t emit fumes. In addition, it does not react with paint or change its colour. Caulk for external walls is created to be impervious to wind, water, sunlight, and other elements. These cannot be interchanged.
For maximum effect, the caulk gun should be held at one stable angle. This is done to ensure the caulk is spread evenly under the window frame and around it. When the angle changes several times, the caulk line is not straight or even, which results in ineffective air sealing.
When a homeowner hires a window installation company in Canada, they first remove the old caulk previously installed around the window. This gives the sealant its shape. Removing the old caulk ensures the final finish is smoother. In addition, the new caulking can be done in straight, unbroken patterns, which ensures maximum sealing.
Caulk guns are of two types – manual and automatic release. Of the two, an automatic release caulk gun ensures even sealing. The automatic release ensures the right amount of product is released to seal in the cracks, and the finish is even.
Stability is the key thing to remember when caulking windows. The caulk gun does not have the same stability or balance when one hand is used. Therefore, use both hands to hold the gun and point it in the correct direction for the best result.

Don’ts of Caulking Windows

When caulking windows, the key thing to remember is to be generous. Caulking is most efficient when used in the right amount. The caulk should fill in all the gaps between the window and the wall to be most effective. If you use less caulk, the chances of missing one or two areas are more, making caulking windows ineffective.
If your windows are being caulked for the first time, the area around the window should be cleaned. This includes scraping off old paints and chips. Dusting or wiping down the area with a clean cloth will also help. This ensures the caulk has a smooth surface for adhesion.
The tip of the caulk gun seal needs to be cut down. However, one common error that many make is cutting the seal straight and too far down. Cut the seal at an angle and just half an inch from the tip for a better finish. The seal can be cut lower if the gap is less or more if the gap is more. Therefore, it is important to determine the angle before cutting.
Contractors who provide house exterior caulking services Oshawa often run their thumb or a straight edge over the sealant for a professional finish. Homeowners who are caulking their windows without professional supervision should do the same to get a professional finish and make sure the sealant’s spread is even.
These are our top nine tips to ensure caulking windows are simple, efficient, and effective. When used properly, caulk is a sealant that will preserve the room temperature and avoid air leaks. However, for best results, these dos and don’ts should be followed. Caulking windows is a simple task, and getting a professional finish is not difficult.